
Tag Archives: crossroads new goods

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Being up in Sacramento is a total 180: It is FALL. It is the HOLIDAY season. I am so excited to be here right now. I am even more excited for Ugly Mug to get here tomorrow night! I am going to force him to participate in my holiday cheer and drink coco, pumpkin spice lattes and walk around malls to see all the over the top Christmas decorations, walk through crunchy leaves, and be around family. He may say that he hates it, but I know he doesn’t. How can anyone hate this season? I get so happy I could just burst! Holidays and Ugly Mug. My favorite.

Another thing I am so happy about that I may burst? My mom won a contest for Backstreet Boys’ meet and greet passes for me! I don’t care if I have met them a million times and seen them in concert even more than I can count, those are my Boys and their concerts are my happy place.

Holidays and the Backstreet Boys. Yes, please.

Even better, it is a Christmas concert. The Backstreet Boys will be singing Christmas songs. I may die.

Onto my grunge and 90’s inspired outfit that confused my parents. My dad told me to take off my diaper. Fair enough.




Stank face, much?

// Jacket: c/o Crossroads Trading Co // Top: H&M // Shirt: Thrifted via Goodwill // Pants: Thrifted via Crossroads Trading Co // Boots: Thrifted via Buffalo Exchange //

First, let’s start with the fact that it is leather jacket season. Yes. This marks the time that I transition where I would wear my denim jacket, to leather jackets. And Crossroads Trading Co just sent me the perfect faux leather jacket. It’s like butta’. I’m so in love.

Also, I cannot stop tying shirts around my waist. Particulary plaid shirts.

I this a returning trend that you are a fan of, or should it be left in the 90’s?

I am a 90’s lover all the way, so I say bring it back! And if it doesn’t come back, I’ll still be here. Chillin’ out with my shirt tied around my waist for no reason. I wore this outfit three times in one week and I never actually put that shirt on. Don’t let other’s lie and say they do it to be practical and have another layer with them; they are not planning on putting it on, no matter how cold they get.






It’s sock weather. Do it.

For those who celebrate, have a Happy Thanksgiving! Who else is excited to eat? Me!



All photos credit of Ugly Mug Photography.

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It’s 7:57 p.m. on Sunday night and I have been awake approximately 3 hours this entire day. And not in a row. That is what being sick is like. It’s a bummer. On the positive side, I had a lot of colorful, very detailed dreams. My dreams are usually so detailed that oftentimes I mix them up with real life. When I woke up from one particilar dream that I thought might have been real, I had to confer with Ugly Mug to make sure what was or was not happening outside my bedroom door all day.

In other news, I just got my copy of the Spring 2013 issue of Zooey Magazine, in which I had an article published! It is surreal to see my words and name (although, my last name was misspelled), in the pages of a magazine. I’m working on getting a digital copy to post here, but if you absolutely cannot wait (which, obviously) feel free to check it out on newstands now. Actress, Mary Elizabeth Winstead is on the cover.

And now something you’ve all been waiting for: A honest to goodness, real outfit post!



// Top: Thrifted via Freestyle Clothing Exchange // Hat: Thrifted via Buffalo Exchange // Pants: H&M // Shoes: Crossroads Trading Co //

Bright colors! It must be Spring! This is the most color I think I have ever worn, like all together in my life. I like it. I am definitely going to consciously incorporate more color into my wardrobe. Maybe into life in general. We even painted an orange accent wall in our bedroom this weekend, and liked the color so much that we expanded that into two accent walls. Ugly Mug now wants to paint a third wall, nixing the accent wall idea, and possibly painting the fourth wall a beige or taupe. After all the painting and rearranging is done, I will be sharing a bedroom tour on the blog. Aaaand now I have to since I said it, so let’s hope it turns out like it looks in my head! The pressure is on.

Oh and these boots. I stalked these boots at Crossroads for months until they went on sale. They were in the new goods section and although I was in love, a $70 price tag brought me back down to earth. Good things come to those who wait; On an unsuspecting Sunday afternoon, I found these babies, in my size, in the half off section. Done and done, wham bam thank you ma’am.





Thank you to Erin for these photos!





All photos credit of Erin

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