Friday favorites

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Surprise! Sorry, not for you – for Ugly Mug! I surprised him for our anniversary yesterday by flying down to see him a day earlier than he thought. Unfortunately, my first choice of finding a giant gift wrapped box to jump out of did not pan out, but an old fashioned knock on the door worked just as well. He had no idea! We get an extra day together, I get a day off from work, and I’m making Cap’n Crunch cupcakes with peanut butter marshmallow frosting. This day is full of win.

  • Listen to This: Act As If “Oh My My”. Half shameless promotion, full love. Coincidently, Ugly Mug and his uber talented friends are filming a music video for Act As If this weekend. I may, or may not, be in the video for a few seconds. So basically, the entire video relies on my ability to be an extra during a party scene. Big things are happening. And this song has clapping. I have found that any song that contains clapping becomes me favorite song. So, you should go listen to my new favorite song now (and vote for it if you like it!).

  • Read This: Hurley / DIY Skull T-Shirt. This is more of a read it, then do it. I did this DIY the other night and I’ve got to say, “not too shabby.” If I can do it, anyone can. I hope to shoot an outfit with my shirt this weekend and get it up on the blog soon! If you happen to do it, tweet me and share a photo of your outcome!

  • Watch This: Conan and First Graders Sing the Blues. I’m sorry, if you don’t like Conan O’Brien, then you cannot be my friend. But everyone likes him, so we won’t have a problem right? Good. Conan is definitely my favorite 6’4″ red head – and we all know how many there are of those types to choose from, so it’s a pretty high honor. You’re welcome Conan. What’s better than Conan O’Brien? Conan O’Brien singing the blues with little kids. And now you’re welcome.
  • Eat This: Fig, Prosciutto & Goat Cheese PizzaTina from ‘My Life As A Mrs.’ posts many mouth watering recipes, but this is one that stopped me in my tracks. I might have already been hungry, craving pizza, and reading food blogs – but this craving is legit. I need to make this soon and often.  I love the idea of fancy pizzas, but yet, I never seem to eat them. This time, there is no looking back, I am diving mouth first into the fancy pizza territory.

  • Wear This: Midi Dresses. Like this one from PB&J Boutique (as seen on Bonnie of Flashes of Style). I am becoming obsessed. Nevermind the fact that I do not own a midi dress (or skirt), but the fact that I yearn for them is a little disturbing. No one should yearn for clothing. But I do. If I owned this dress, it may be what I choose to save in a fire. Go ahead – judge me – but I know you’re thinking the same thing.

  • Blog Love: Roots & Feathers + Violet Bella. She happens to be the blogger behind the Etsy shop ‘Violet Bella‘, which so happens to be my sponsor this month. But make no mistake, this is not a promotion. I fell in love with her blog. She has beautiful pictures, great boho style, and is very entertaining to read. It’s hard to find a blog that encompasses all those qualities.

Friday Fail!

This is how I frolic in fields. Pretty cute, huh?

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  1. So I LOVE Conan and I really like midi dresses so naturally I’m diggin this post 🙂
    Brooke @ what2wear

  2. Amberly said:

    That skull t-shirt is super cool. Great find!

    And what a fun anniversary celebration – hope it’s a blast 🙂

  3. Harriet said:

    I love that t-shirt diy – such a cool idea! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Steph said:

    wow! really great post! that shirt is amazingly done! I saw one on NastyGal and wanted to buy it so bad! Guess i’ll just have to look at ur diy!
    Ginger and Lace

  5. Aww, I bet he loved that surprise! Hope you had an amazing weekend together.

  6. Carmen said:

    Happy Anniversary! The gif is super cute!

    Carmen Ri.

  7. Annie said:

    That pizza looks ahhhmazing, and so does Bonnie in that dress – so pretty! So awesome that you got to surprise the boy – hope you had a great weekend 🙂

    The Other Side of Gray

  8. Aya said:

    HAHA! I LOVE the cutout back to that white tee! How creative is that?!

I adore each comment!