
Tag Archives: francescas discount

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I know what you’re thinking when you look at this first photo. It’s not true. I tripped. I fell down the stairs. It was my fault – Uh, I better stop before I start to offend someone. Actually, I went white water rafting over the weekend and water is stronger than it looks.

Rapids + fair skin = Lots of questions and stares about my boyfriend bruises.

I’ll share some camping style photos next week. It’s really not that different than how I normally dress, give or take some flannel.


*Shorts: c/o Francesca’s Collections. *Shirt: Urban Outfitters. *Vest: Thrifted via Goodwill (altered). *Boots: Thrifted via Crossroads.

Hey, look a DIY. Kind of. This vest was originally a jean jacket. I got all crafty and ripped the arms off to make it a vest. That was about a year ago and I finally got around to wearing it.



I look unreasonably sad in these photos. That’s just my face though. I swear that I am a happy person!

How cute are these shorts? I am loving patterned bottoms lately and these shorts have a nautical feeling that’s perfect for summer. They’ve also got that pajama trend going on for them too. I might live in this outfit for the next couple of months.

And hey, I literally just realized I mix prints here! Like literally, as I was typing this post. I’m a little slow sometimes. First time print mixer right here y’all!


Oh hi, Ugly Mug Photography.

. Can I just tell you how much he puts up with when taking all my pictures? It is not a fun job. But he get’s the displeasure of being my personal bitch photographer. I’m just a tad picky, and stubborn, and resistant to try new things. Just being honest, he’s kind of, sort of, really awesome.



This is me dressing inappropriately. Scandalous, I know.



Can you tell how exhausted I was from the weekend in this picture? Utterly. So much so, I had to sit down. See below. True story.



Don’t forget to enter my Francesca’s Collections giveaway! You only have until tomorrow night! Also, use the promo code “JENNIFER” for 25% off through May 31st!

All photos credit of Ugly Mug Photography

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Happy hump day! I always feel a little dirty saying that, but I really do mean “Happy day that is in the middle of the week and if you just get over this hump, the weekend will be here before you know it!” But, saying “Happy hump day” is a little easier.

So, I have pretty crazy dreams; so involved that when I wake up, lately, I’ve still felt that I am in them. Imagine waking up thinking that you are the Queen of the the clouds. Apparently, that’s where my mind goes when I sleep. It might be even sadder that I am a tiny bit disappointed that when I realize that I am not the Cloud Queen.

Enough about dreams. Let’s talk reality. So, you know those days when you just need to go chill in a field? Yeah, me too.


*Shirt: Bows & Arrows. *Pants: Urban Outfitters (clearance rack for $10, what, what!). *Hat: Forever 21.

Even I look confused as to why I am in this field. Sometimes, you just need a change of scenery. And there are only so many dirty alleyways in this city.

Back to dreams. Sometimes I do have those dreams that make me want to sleep forever. Like when I ran into Hanson at the park and they offered me the job of their tour manager. It also may have ended with the wedding of Taylor and I as well. Most of my best dreams involve Hanson in some way. I may or may not have an obsession with boy bands.

What have been your weirdest dreams?



And then I decided that standing was overrated and that I wanted to sit in dirt with bugs crawling up my pants, because honestly, wouldn’t anyone?


These pictures are probably making you itchy right about now. If they weren’t, now they are!



I will be posting a giveaway from Francesca’s Collections later this week! Also, remember that using the promo code “JENNIFER” will get you 25% off through the end of May!


All photos credit of Ugly Mug Photography

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Happy Monday!

Happy Monday? Do those words belong together? Not going to lie, it took me a while to get out of bed this morning. I said, “F the gym! It’s Monday! Monday is for sleeping in as late as you can with just enough time to jump into the clothes closest to you and slip into the office, quietly and unnoticed, and act like you’ve been there since 8:30 instead of frantically weaving in and out of traffic not so silently cursing all the speed limit followers.” And then I got up and went to the gym anyway.

I only pretend I am a rebel.

How do you drag yourself out of bed each morning?


*Tank and shirt: Forever 21. *Jeans & Shoes: Urban Outfitters.

My shirt is in French. I don’t know French. I don’t know anyone that knows French. Is it bad that I had already decided to buy it before I knew what it said? It could say “Stay away, I smell” and I would have worn it and been none the wiser. Good thing is says “Will you marry me?”. Good thing? Well, better than telling people I smell. Because I don’t.




Oh, yeah. Look at these babies. Not much to say about them except that they are awesome. But that’s obvious, so I don’t even need to say it.

Have you noticed that I love putting top, middle, and bottom pictures in a row to make it look like one? I am amused easily.


Popping a squat. I never said I was classy.


Initially, we tried a different location for this shoot, but there was a really scary dog behind a not so secure fence and instead of being attacked and given rabies, we moved to this dirty alley. It works right?


I wish I could remember what was so funny.


Like, really, what was so funny? So funny that I had a wardrobe malfunction. Excuse my slight inappropriateness.


So what’s my proposal to you? If I can get to 250 Bloglovin’ followers with this post, I’ll host a giveaway. I think that’s pretty much the best damn proposal you’ll ever get. Except, maybe a marriage one. But, it might be a really awesome giveaway so it’s a toss up really.

All photos credit of Ugly Mug Photography

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This is an interruption of your regularly scheduled Coachella review posts to inform you that I am obsessed with high waist silk shorts. Yes, having two pairs means that I am obsessed. Even if I didn’t have any pairs, I would categorize myself as obsessed because of theĀ  OMGINEEDHIGHWAISTSILKSHORTSNOOOOOW feeling I get whenever I see them. Good thing I can calm down now since I have two pairs.

Also, this is a warning, Monday (as in tomorrow, or today if you’re reading this on Monday. Or yesterday if you’re a slacker with your blog roll as I usually am) is the last day to get 25% off an item at Francesca’s Collections with the promo code “SEEKING“. Abuse it while you can.


*Shorts: c/o Francesca’s Collections. *Shirt: Thrifted via Goodwill. *Shoes: Thrifted via Crossroads

Oh, so, this is the location you get when we hang out all day stuffing our face with leftover quinoa and trail mix (not mixed together, but still weird) and watching bad movies (please don’t watch The Rum Diaries. It’s bad) and then rush to take photos so we aren’t late for dinner reservations. So please excuse the cars. Or don’t. Whatevs.

High waist? Check. Silk? Check. Cute pattern? Check. POCKETS? Double check. Love? Yes.


Oh yeah, it’s finally Spring by the way. It only took about a month longer than it should. Mother Nature has been slacking.




Notice the stamp on my hand? Apparently, when you go to karaoke, they need to brand you to make sure you’re twenty one. No amount of scrubbing with a steel brush was getting it off, so there you go. I look dirty.




Also? This is probably the greatest shirt I’ve ever thrifted. Don’t pass up Goodwill, for real. The original tag was still on this shirt.


Raise your hands if you blog on a Sunday when everyone else is out enjoying the day? Half hand raise?

Well, I’m off to spend the rest of the day with family at my little cousin’s dance recital!

Remember, Francesa’s Collections. 25% off. Ends Monday. “SEEKING”.

All photos credit of Ugly Mug Photography

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