
Tag Archives: LA Fashion District

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When I don’t know what to wear, this jump suit inevitably pops into my mind. It’s so easy! One piece, matches any accessories, done. The only thing is that I have to basically have to get naked to use the restroom, but that’s what doors are for, right? It is a little awkward in a public stall, though, with the slits in the door frames and you’re so paranoid everyone sneaks a peak in when they pass by.

And my blog has come down to discusssing what type of clothing is the least functional for restroom uses. Seeking Style, everyone!

Wrost transition ever: Look at my jacket! I picked up this floral bomber at Crossroads Trading Co and I throw it on whenever I can. I am so in love with it!

My friend Michele took these photos for me the other day and I now notice, I am in various stages of jacket undress in them. It starts out completely on and ends up every way you can wear a jacket. And it really is how it ends up; it’s super chilly in the mornings but gets so warm by the afternoons, and I am prone to being cold everywhere, so I always have a sweater or jacket. If it’s not on, I tie it around my waist or I’m holding onto it.



     // Jump Suit: LA Fashion District // Jacket + Hat: Thrifted via Crossroads Trading Co // Shoes: Target //

I feel like I’m wearing pajamas when I wear this jump suit and that is fine by me! Clothing has to be comfortable. I don’t want to spend all day tugging and rearranging myself. Shoes are the exception. I hate to say it, but I’m totally a girl when it comes to shoes and I will stuff my feet into uncomfortable shoes if I have to!



I cannot help but laugh when someone besides David takes my outfit photos. I feel so awkward and silly when it’s anyone else. The proof is in the photos!




What is your favorite statement piece?



Photos by my good friend Michele!

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It’s been a while since I have gone to, clicked Posts and then Add New Post. Quite a while. I needed to step back. Not because I was feeling overwhelmed, not because I was uninspired, and not because I did not have the time to blog. My Grandfather passed away two weeks ago. A loving, kind, generous man who I have known my whole life, who raised my Father, and in part, had a part in raising me. My Grandfather, whom I was attached to as a baby and growing up and would be jealous of my sibilings or cousins when they got attention, was one of my favorite people in the world. I stepped away because I needed time to take stock of and enjoy what is truely important; family and those whom you love. I have spent the last two weeks enjoying and spending time with my family, and finding peace in the fact that my Grandfather is truly in a better place.. Love is what is truely important. My blog is a hobby and although I am in love with it, I needed to step away and reevaluate. 

There really is no true transition from sharing grief over a passed loved one to an outfit post, so I won’t even pretend I have a somewhat apprprriate pun. Basically, what follows is the superficial, but super fun, stuff that I call my hobby; a real, and true outfit post. Almost unheard of on Seeking Style lately!





I just went back and looked: it has been an entire month since my last actual outfit post. Unacceptable, indeed!

// Hat: LA Fashion District // Top: Urban Outfitters // Shorts: Melrose Trading Post // Shoes: Thrift Town // Purse: Crossroads Trading Co //

I am not sure what to make of this outfit. It’s a little but of 80’s. Some 90’s. And definitely full on hipster. So, in short, pretty much awesome in my book.





p.s. Go hug your Grandparents if you are so lucky to still have them around. They are special people.


All photos credit of Ugly Mug Photography.

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I am a little late on the 4 of July recap post, but it is not my fault! I left my laptop charger in Phoenix last week. I suppose that is my fault, huh? I am currently typing this on Ugly Mug’s iPad, only to upload the actual photos later tonight when he gets home with his laptop. That’s dedication for you!

P.S. I am not a Mac user or lover so I deserve extra points for sacrificing my patience using one to post this blog.

P.P.S. What kind of blogger choses a PC over Mac?

So, the 4th of July! If you are in the U.S., I hope you enjoyed your day. It is one of my favorite holidays. It is somewhat of a family reunion for my dad’s family because we are also getting together to celebrate my Grandpa’s birthday; it was his 90th this year! After the 4th, Ugly Mug and I headed to Phoenix to celebrate his sisters medical school graduation and to melt in the desert. We successfully survived spending consecutive days with each other’s family. I think we hit the jackpot as far as future in laws go. Ask for an update on that in 10 years.

As always, my dad is the master of the food and fireworks. Not as always, he did manage to accidentally throw a firework into my 13 year old cousin’s lap. And that was just the beginning of the show. I think I need to film his antics next year.

How did you spend the 4th?



// Top: Thrifted via Crossroads Trading Co // Cut Offs: Melrose Trading Post  // Hat: LA Fashion District //

100 degree heat calls for cut offs, tanks, and no makeup.

Food, family, raffle prizes (my family takes holidays seriously), swimming, fireworks, and more food. That is my idea of a good holiday! Or day in general. How awesome would every weekend be every celebrated like it was a holiday? I am officially declaring all Saturdays a holiday. I know you don’t think that’s a bad idea.






P.P.P.S. It’s really difficult to blog from an iPad.

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I unintentionally broke my self imposed shopping ban. Well, as “unintentional” as I can be reaching into my own wallet and running my own credit card through the credit card machine at the new Urban Outfitters surplus store I found. You read that right, Urban Outfitters surplus store. The entire store is on sale. Can you blame me for stopping in when I drove past it? I think my purchase is well justified, though.

I also think I should steer clear from that store until I start working more frequently.

But, look at the shoes I got! Sorry, I’m not sorry. A bit guilty, yes, but I’m Catholic and a middle child, so that is to be expected.




// Dress & Bag: Thrifted via Crossroads Trading Co // Hat: LA Fashion District // Shoes: Urban Outfitters //

I am going to keep this post short and sweet, words wise, because my tendonitis is acting up and it is literally a pain to be typing. The only thing that makes it feel better is to not move my wrist or hands at all. Goodbye productivity.



By the by, this dress has pockets, AKA, perfection.






I am still admiring my new shoes. I am infatuated.


I’ll leave you with this embarassing gem. This is how excited I was to shoot with my pockets: “Don’t forget the pockets!”

And it’s not even Friday! You’re welcome.


All photos credit of Ugly Mug Photography

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