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Oh, hi. Yes, it has been a week. No, I do not have an excuse. Well, I do, but not a good one, so I’ll save you’ll the trouble of reading it and just call myself a slacker.

Speaking of slacking – aren’t iPhone apps the best way to slack? I am obsessed – as in I want to do round house kicks to the sky – with FoodGawker! If you are not hungry now, the second you open the app, you will be salivating like you haven’t eaten in days. Check it out – for real. This is not a sponsored post by the way. I just really like looking at pictures of food that much, ha! I will not also mention that I do occasionally look at their sister app, WeddingGawker. I like pretty things. Pretty things and food are my weakness!

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming – because this is a style blog after all and even if there aren’t pictures, I do get dressed daily. Except for maybe on the weekends.


*Caridgan & Necklace: Forever 21. *Jeggings: Gap. *Shoes: Thrifted via Crossroads

I think I’ve worn this outfit every weekend since I bought this cardigan. It’s perfect. First of all, it’s mustard. If nothing else about it was good, then it would still be perfect based on it just being mustard.

Do you repeat weekend outfits?



Oh, and it’s slouchy. Which means it’s cozy. Which means I am obsessed.


These shoes. I mean, really. I walked into Crossroads and there was a beam of light shining on them drawing me to them. I am in love with these shoes. Yes, they look like little boy shoes, but I think that makes me love them even more.



If you have any other iPhone apps to recommend to me, I’d love to hear about them! I really don’t have many apps yet. I like food (duh), fashion (duh), and fitness based apps (because of my love of food, I am forced to “love” fitness).




By the way, any advice for thinking of blog titles? I am the worst!

All photos credit of Ugly Mug Photography

*Follow Seeking Style*

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Remember when I rambled on about being forced into a world of technology and how I would rather be an old woman with no knowledge of it? That was the underlying tone of that post anyway. And while yes, I did jump into the 21st Century and get an iPhone, I feel that I still am slow to jump on the band wagon of other modern day fads. Let’s talk about Twitter. I think it finally clicked with me today about how beneficial it can be. I may be six years late, but I am finally jumping in! I used to think it was for people who were desperate to tell others what they are watching on TV or what they picked out of their teeth that night, and yes, it still runs rampant with those people, but it can be a great way to get in touch with people whom you would otherwise never meet. Specifically for bloggers, it’s a way to connect with other bloggers, readers, and companies/brands to potentially collaborate with. I’m totally feeling it now. Who wants to feel it Tweet with me?


*Jeans: Wet Seal. *Shoes: Urban Outfitters. *Cardigan: Crossroads. *Necklace & Ring: Thrifed.

A simple outfit to highlight my new favorite cardigan, a find from the new section at Crossroads. I love going to Crossroads and thrifting used items, but I cannot stay away from their new items as well!


My new favorite show is Happy Endings, by the way. Yeah, a couple seasons too late to the band wagon once again, but what else is new? The only problem I have with the show is that only the last five episodes are currently on Hulu and Where else can I catch up?


Thanks to some photo coloring, you can’t tell, but these jeans are on their last days. They look more dirty grey than black these days. I’ve had them for about 4 years, so that could explain it. I need to stop being so cheap.




I also need new sunglasses. These barely stay on my face. I really do need to stop being so cheap.

This is to prove how dedicated the boy is to taking my outfit photos.


So what have you learned about me today? I’m slow and cheap. As you can probably imagine, I am really awesome to to get to know. If you’re interested, follow me on Twitter. We’ll tweet and be friends.

All photos credit of Ugly Mug Photography

*Follow Seeking Style*

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This is a pseudo remix of the dress I was wearing in my last post. I say pseudo because in both of the outfits, you can’t even see the dress, but believe me, it is under all those layers. Maybe when it gets warmer, I’ll air it out and it can star in it’s own post. Just kidding – it already has here.


*Dress & Shoes: Target. Scarf & Ring: Forever 21. Coat: Tulle (Nordstrom – gift)

There are some days when I don’t want to take my coat off. Like this day. And today. I’ve been wearing my coat all day at work. Honestly, I would be warm enough if I took it off right now, but I don’t feel like it. Sometimes I make my coat part of my outfit. Is that weird?


In other “news”, my phone is on it’s last leg. Literally hanging by one screw, my LG EnV2
has to be jury rigged (yes, I thought it was “jerry” rigged too and even typed that out, but decided to Google it. Good thing I did or else you would think I was dumb. Except I still confessed) to even keep the charger plugged into it. No joke, I need to put weight on the plug of the charger, and then put weight on the right side of the phone. Not just on top of the phone, but specifically the right side. It’s fun doing that every 3 hours because that’s as long as it holds the charge now. Also, it likes to play a game of “I’m going to turn off randomly even though I have a  full battery and see how long it takes for you to notice.” I always lose.

“Should I walk across the street like the Beatles?” “Uh, sure.” Those are the kinds of ideas that I have during our shoots.

So, while I may be the only person in the world under the age of 50 to still own just a plain flip phone (that I have had for 5 years, mind you), I loved it. They really only make about six phones that are not smart phones these days (and I happen to not like any of them). What about all the the few people who still just want a phone to be a phone? My aunt has a flip phone and pays $11 a month. I know I shouldn’t think that is awesome, but it is. I would do that, but I need texting and picture messaging, which she does not have.


So, here I am. Almost admitting that it is time for me to get a new phone. I am still in denial, but I might need to get an iPhone. Only because if you’re going to get a smart phone, you might as well get the best. *sigh* I have such a love/hate relationship with technology. Is anyone else the same?


I would love to be able to live without gadgets and the internet and what not, but I am addicted to them. I do love when I am camping or traveling and don’t have access to all that distraction though. It’s the best feeling.


And because I didn’t look angry, or creepy enough in these pictures, I’ll leave you with this one.


All photos credit of Ugly Mug Photography

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