
Tag Archives: Bows & Arrows

Have you ever felt a little off? Not sad, not mad, not happy, not anxious, just off? Yeah, me too. Right now actually. The best way I can describe it is that I feel like I am waiting for something – but not anxiously – but I don’t know what it is. Hopefully my subconcious knows some good news, and I’m not sensing my death via serial killer (legit fear of mine, by the way).

*My title came from the song I am currently listening to – “At Least I’m Not as Sad” by Fun. It has no meaning to my mood, I just legitimately could not think of a title.

Speaking of serial cereal, I am definitely missing processed, chemically enhanced goodness in my life. I could definiately go for a big bowl of cereal, Fruit Loops or Honey Nut Cherrios to be exact, with a side of unnatural flavored orange juice and a big chocolate cupcake (or two) to top it off. And I’m not even hungry. So maybe it’s a good thing I can’t have those things because, honestly, that’s what I would be doing right now. The good news is that I do feel better physically and have lost a few pounds. Even my boyfriend (remember, I coerced him into doing it with me?) said that he is slowly, but surely developing a taste for healthy foods (and liking it!).


*Shirt: Thrifted. *Jeggings: Gap. *Boots: Urban Outfitters

So this post is all about my accidental Gap advertisment. When we were taking these pictures, I realized I looked like a billboard for Gap (yes, even though I am only wearing one Gap item – when I think of Gap, I think of all things denim).


You know when your jeans (or jeggings in this case) stretch out a little too much and then the knees are baggy? Yeah me too. I don’t enjoy that.



I’m kind of in love with this two toned wall that we found. Hopefully we can shoot there again. I don’t know why I say that like it’s not just a few blocks away from my boyfriend’s apartment haha.




Haha, I just realized that those three pictures all go together and make one (distorted) picture. And yeah, I rock pink socks. I actually rock all kinds of socks. I’m a little obsessed with socks.

And of course, I have to include at least one of my awkward “model/blogger” poses.


All photos credit of Ugly Mug Photography


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I’m so excited to host my first giveaway! You guys should be the excited ones though because you have a chance to win the necklace pictured below from Bows & Arrows! Bows & Arrows is a local vintage store here in Sacramento, but their retail space is also part art gallery, cafe, live music, etc. It’s the perfect space. They also happen to have an Etsy shop so even if you are not local, you can still enjoy a little vintage in your life! Not only will a lucky reader win the necklace, but Bows & Arrows is also offering my readers 20% off in their Etsy store for an entire week (starting today through February 14th) with the code “seekingstyle”. I know I’ll end up buying myself a little Valentine’s Day gift with that discount!


I am not going to lie. I was very tempted to wear this necklace yesterday. It went perfectly with my outfit. Then I remembered that I have a habit of necklaces mysteriously breaking on me. For real. The chains literally just fall apart. As I am sitting perfectly still, not tugging or jerking it around. It’s a mystery for sure! I definitely did not want to ruin this amazing (handmade) necklace that Bows & Arrows was so generous to offer my readers, so it stayed safe and sound, tucked in it’s box, waiting for it’s lucky new owner. Next time, I might pick out my second favorite item and keep the best one for myself! At least you know I am being true to my style and not hosting a giveaway of whatever random crap someone is willing to hand out.

To enter, you must:
1) Join their mailing list. Click here! (bottom right corner)
2) Follow Seeking Style on Bloglovin’

Bonus entries:
1) Like them on Facebook
2) Follow them on Twitter
3) Favorite Bows & Arrows on Etsy
4) Like Seeking Style on Facebook

(Please leave additional comments for each)

There are tons of chances to win this necklace!

Entries will be accepted until Tuesday, February 14th at 9 PM PST.

*Note: Please leave your email address so you can be notified if you win!

UPDATE: This giveaway is now closed. The winner is Tracy of Good Day Howard! Tracy is actually a fellow Sacramentan so we’re going to use this as a good excuse to get together soon (and I get to save money on postage ha!). Congratulations Tracy!


Yup, it is still this warm in Los Angeles. To be honest, once the sun went down, I was almost freezing though (almost freezing in Southern California means it was around 50 degrees, so not close to freezing at all. We’re wimps). I am still in Los Angeles for a couple more days and I could not have needed this vacation more than right now. It’s going to be really hard to go back to work on Monday, but I am excited to get into full on Christmas mode; baking, shopping (spending more money than I budgeted), sitting by a lit tree at night, wrapping presents, and experiencing general merriment!

*Necklace: Forever 21. Dress & Shoes: Target. Denim shirt: Thrifted ($1!)

I feel like in these set of photos, I was trying a little too hard to pose differently than I normally do. That’s not a bad thing. I like how they turned out, but there might be a couple where I look a bit awkward or uncomfortable, and it’s only because I don’t know what I look like when I’m not doing one of my typical poses. But with the boy behind the camera, I trust that he won’t make me look bad! Speaking of the boy, he came up with the blog title. Which would be more clever if you could tell that I was standing under an underpass, but you can’t really. Since we know it though, I’m sticking with it, AKA, I could not think of a title!

 By the way, don’t touch fences on the side (or in the middle of) the road. They are dirty. They will turn your hands black and that dirt will then rub off on your clothes.

You can only slightly tell from this angle (and thank God for photoshop) but my legs are bruised from here to the high Heavens! I do not know what I got myself into on the cruise last week, but the left side of my body from my waist down looks like I was body slammed by a sumo wrestler. I bruise very easily as it is, but when you get a bruise the size of a dinner plate on your hip and you have no idea how it got there, there’s a problem!

I wore this the other night to Groundlings. Groundlings is an improvisation and sketch comedy theater and school in Los Angeles. The shows are around 90 minutes to an hour and range from 100% improv sketches to scripted sketches (think Saturday Night Live in a tiny theater). I go almost everytime I am in Los Angeles and would recommend it to anyone. Even my grandparents enjoyed it. The actors are so talented and hilarious, and sometimes if you’re lucky, special guest stars like Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy pop up! Lorne Michaels of SNL actually recruits from this school.

I need to work on my facial expressions in pictures. My face is really not frozen like that, I swear!

But I don’t have to work on my facial expressions if I keep it to photos like this! 😉

And then I jay walked.

We tried to take pictures at night while we were out as well, but remember when I said it was (not) freezing? We had to go inside before figuring out how to take decent pictures in the dark.

Have a great weekend!

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Photos credit of Ugly Mug Photography

Just a quick post – mostly because most of my pictures did not turn out too well. I didn’t have time to take them in the morning and it was getting dark by the time I got home. Also, I learned that my under eye concealer does wonders. I also did not have time to put on any “makeup” in the morning, hence why you won’t see my face in these pictures! (When I say “makeup”, I mean under eye concealer, mascara, and this blue powder that is supposed to lessen the redness. Other than that, I don’t mess with the stuff.

*Jean Jacket: A wholesale wearhouse in the LA fashion district. Vest: Bows & Arrows. *Necklace: Forever 21

In the past, if I have had a jacket blazer over a shirt, I always had the shirt shorter or the same length. I decided to try it the opposite way today (aka, it was cold). (If my elbow was only over a few centimeters, I could have cropped that ugly truck out!)

*Boots: Urban Outfitters. Pants: Macys (Jessica Simpson)

I told you before, I like the out of focus pictures.