Friday favorites

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Don’t mind my lack of inspiration these days. My closet right now is just “blah” to me. Isn’t it funny when that happens and then in a week or two, you’re inspired and find “new” outfits in the same closet that you could barely put together a t-shirt and jeans from?

That’s the good thing about the weekend: I am stricktly on t-shirt and jeans duty. Or pajamas. Or pajama jeans. Man, now I am wishing for a pair of pajama jeans. Don’t tell me you’re not the least bit curious about those!

Any plans this weekend? I am working, baking, game nighting, and hiking!

  • Listen to this: Miley Cyrus, Bangerz. Yes, it is a dumb title. Yes, we are all sick of her antics. Yes, we know that she is going to be utterly and completey embarassed by herself in a few years. But, and not the one that hangs out of her hot pants, this album is really fun. I didn’t want to like it because I respect myself too much, but I do. No shame here, even with lyrics like, “It’s bananas like a fucking ‘rangatang bitch.”


  • Read this: Number of Times I’ve Been Asked if an Actress is Getting Fat: 9 – Number of Times I’ve Benn Asked if an Actor is Getting Fat: 0“, by Alison Freer. This article is really eye opening, but not shocking. I am surprised a stylist chose to be so honest in a piece, Unfortunately, I am not surprised by the story she tells. I will be the first to admit that I have struggled, and continue to, with my body image. I will never place blame on the media, because I have my own mind and opinion and am not easily persuaded (um, hello, most stubborn person alive over here!), and I do think America and the media has gotten better, but the acceptance of all types of beauty is not quite there yet.

alison rack check

    • Watch this: Lie Witness News – Fashion Week 2013. This is old, but if you haven’t seen it, then you’re welcome! Jimmy Kimmel always brings the laughs, but it is the wannabe fashionistas that will latch onto anything they think is “in”, is what really makes this video so amazing!
  • Eat this: Pumpkin Butter. Let me begin by saying that I will never apologize for sharing too many pumpkin recipes. If you are sick of pumpkin already (um, it’s not even November, you better get over that shit), then you are sick of me. The most basic pumpkin necessity that you will need this Fall season is pumpkin butter. While Trader Joes’ has the most amazing pumpkin butter on earth, it comes in such small jars, and I can make multiple, larger jars for the same price. And with less sugar! Here is the basic recipe that I follow! I mix it into my oatmeal, my peanut butter (yes, pumpkin peanut butter. You’re welcome for the idea), but most of the time, I just eat it with a spoon.


  • Wear this: Black Swan Clothing: Sometimes, you’re just minding your own business clicking through blogs, Pinterest, Tumblr, and all those what nots and you just land and on the most perfect clothing company and collection. Check out Black Swan Clothing if you want to spend the next few minutes, hours, and days, just lusting over clothes, convincing yourself that your life is empty now that you know these beautiful pieces aren’t in your closet. That’s normal, right?


  • Blog love: My Daily Style. Isn’t she just gorgeous? I feel like if I knew how to perfect my style and look, this would be it. So I basically would like to be her or just steal her wardrobe, which is ok to admit, right? Casual, effortless, chic; and you know I am loving her because I actually used the word “chic”.


Happy Friday Fail!

It’s time for me to go make a cake!

We had a visitor during our last outfit shoot!


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  1. Jen said:

    Great picks, as always! That pumpkin butter looks amazing and I love the Lie Witness news 🙂

  2. maria said:

    I love these kinds of posts because it lets me see whats going on around me! and I also hate to admit that I love to hate miley…she’s crazy but her songs are catchy!

  3. I feel you girly! I am just now ready to get shopping after having 2 babies I’m ready to get into some nice threads.

  4. Rachel said:

    been feeling the same way about my closet lately! i finally got inspired yesterday though sometimes it just takes the right moment and having the time to be inspired! i find cleaning a section of my closet or even just reorganizing to be inspiring.

  5. Kacie said:

    I always love your friday favorites! The jimmy kimmel video is hysterical!

  6. Haters can hate Miley all they want, but she is so talented and her music is just good!

    So obsessed with pumpkin butter these days. I’ve been a pumpkin lover for years, but somehow just discovered the pumpkin butter this year. I can’t stop eating it!

    xoxo Jackie

  7. Josie said:

    Oh my gosh that video was so funny. High fashion always seems to me like a big high school where everyone’s trying to stay cool and be ahead of everyone else, it’s so strange!

  8. Zosia said:

    I love your blog!
    visit mine

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